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April 3rd 2023 5:31pm — A Devlog by Fred Toms, Programmer - @Tommy2Doors

I’ll keep this short because Jordan and I had a frustrating day of solving some compilation errors with Visual Studio, so I’m quite exhausted.


… for anyone who hasn’t been keeping up, we are happy to announce that we are launching SUMMER 2023.

Jordan and I have a couple hard dates in mind, and we are weighing the pros and cons of when the best time to strike will be. Regardless, the game is very much on track to meet this timeframe and we can’t wait to nail down the exact day so that we can bring SPECTRE to you once and for all. I say “once and for all”, but truly, it will only be the beginning.

We have a ton of ideas for SPECTRE post launch:

Updated visuals, additional maps / gadgets / edges / weapons / game modes and more.

So if you decide to hop on board with SPECTRE at launch, know that you only have more of it on the way to enjoy. If you’re interested in playing a little early, have a good/reliable PC (or Steam Deck) and are okay with consistently reporting bugs to us, reach out to me personally on Discord.

We will continue to update this community when an early kick at SPECTRE is available to everyone.

Recent Feature:

We were recently featured on an episode of the Loud Thumbs podcast. It was our second appearance on the show and once again we had a blast. The episode begins with everyone introducing their alcoholic beverage of choice and, like the first time we appeared on Loud Thumbs, it slowly devolved to an out-of-hand good time.

  • During the Loud Thumbs appearance, we revealed a previously unannounced launch map called FROSTBITE - a vast, cold, bleak and snowy arctic outpost.

  • We also discussed how in the cold parts of the map, your screen will frost up (obscuring your vision) and the Spectres’ energy refills more slowly.

  • In addition to this reveal, we also showed off two of our TEN alternative Spectre skins. That’s right, you will have TEN Spectre skins to choose from and unlock as you play. How many Reaper skins can you choose from, you ask? Another TEN. The skins are not shared between the teams, meaning all of the Spectre skins are vastly different from the Reapers. What other cosmetics are available? How about a ton of Spectre goggle lens colours as well as your choice of small heap of Reaper skins (we have three weapons to choose from as well, you can deploy with two at a time).

Check out the podcast on YouTube:

The Loud Thumbs podcast is also available on Spotify, Apple Music and just about everywhere else you normally download your podcasts!

Some other GREAT news:

Cloak & Dagger, developed by one of our very own SPECTRE discord members Harrison has RELEASED! Not only that, but it is GOOD! You like old school, tough as nails stealth action? Yeah you do. Then this game is for you.

As always, thanks for sticking in. We’ll be revealing our launch date very soon - after completing some internal QA testing. We also have a ton of artwork and other exciting stuff to share as we bring SPECTRE home to roost.

SPECTRE is nigh.

Chat soon!

Fred Toms

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